Contrary to popular belief, life coaching and therapy are not the same things. Just because you are going to a life coach doesn’t mean you have depression, anxiety or any other mental health issues. Life coaching has to more to do with getting direction for your life. Often, parents take teenagers for such coaching classes, simply because the clarity comes in handy. There are many centers that offer life coaching in Denver, CO, and in this post, we are discussing more on what you can probably expect from the experience.
Working with a life coach
Life coaches often work with people, especially young adults, who are perfectly healthy and happy, but are more interested in acquiring new skills or how they handle regular rigmarole of life. Guidance is what you can expect from a life coach. Therapists, on the other hand, are more focused on mental health issues, and their job often demands them to work with patients who have chronic depression or substance abuse issues. Life coaching is more like having a friend, who listens to your possible internal conflicts and offers solutions based on their experience, training and expertise.
What to expect?
A good life coach is an excellent listener, who will offer insight on aspects that may not seem obvious to you. They are more concerned about your entire wellbeing, right from the mind and body to spirit and heart. For example, if you are having a hard time accepting things that are happening in your personal life, or just had a breakup that you cannot deal with, life coaching can be useful. The support you can expect from life coaches is extremely private and personal, and you can be assured that anything you say will remain a matter of personal conversation and will not be recorded.
In conclusion
Life coaching is more about getting help for life rather than a specific problem. Sometimes, parents take teenagers to coaches simply to get them a better look at life. Also, life coaches also coach parents, so that they can work with kids better. If you have never tried life coaching, make sure to give it a shot. There are days when you don’t need much but someone who can simply offer a clearer look at things, so that you can manage situations and people better. No wonder, even some of the best corporate firms and companies are spending on this. Check online for life coaches near you!