It’s not a secret that a college education is expensive. However, sometimes parents make the mistake of avoiding the financial discussion or ignoring it completely, to their child’s detriment. Making college finances a part of the conversation early on can help your child feel more in control of his or her financial future. Doing so can also avoid a situation where your child falls in love with a school only to learn that it is out of reach. These discussions can be hard, but when you have them together, you are showing your teen that you see him or her as a young adult — one who will need to be responsible for a personal budget in not-so-many years. Failing to consider the financial Implications of different college choices for their children is one of the most common ways parents fail throughout the college search process. Rather than agreeing to place your child in perpetual debt, prepare for the discussion about tuition accordingly with the help of the resource coupled alongside this post.
The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App