Love alone does not keep couples together. Over time, without some kind of compatibility, love can unsurprisingly disappear. Compatibility helps to foster love in a relationship but love will not necessarily give rise to compatibility.
Different people have different perceptions regarding compatibility. However, the basic elements are values, ideas, preferences, habits, interpersonal, and communicational styles both have in common.
It doesn’t mean approving all the time, but just being able to work smoothly together. Compatible couples argue but find ways to reconcile their difference either by agreeing, disagreeing or compromising. Finding harmony with your partner is crucial for a long-term relationship.
Couples look for numerology compatibility to find out if their personalities clash or fit together. It is a great way to check your existing relationship and get familiar with the existing issues.
What is numerology?
It is the study of ancient form of number representation. Numerology was used in Greece and Babylon to see how numerical patterns influenced the events. It was and is used to predict and understand the character of a person.
Each individual has a corresponding number, which is based on their birth date and name. With these numbers, an insight into a person’s strengths and weaknesses, education, career path, and soul mates can be obtained.
Calculate your path life numbers
You can count a lot of numbers to know a lot about yourself like personality number, soul urge, destiny number, etc. However, the love compatibility number is calculated according to your life path number. It will reveal a personal birth trait including your natural inclinations and what kind of life path you will follow.
To calculate your life path number
Example – Birthdate – December 11th, 1991
December [12th month] = 12 means 1+2 = 3
Date = 11 means 1+1 = 2
Year = 1991 means 1+9+9+1 = 20 = 2+0 = 2
Add all the three numbers together = 3+2+2 = 7
Calculate your number and even those of your partner’s life path. Read and compare the individual traits.
Meaning of numbers
The most important thing to keep in mind is there is no perfect match or an incompatible pair. Some numbers will get along better, while others need a little work.
The qualities of each number from 1 to 9
- You are a natural leader, hard worker and independent.
- You are a sensitive, loyal, sincere, natural peacekeeper. You are good with people.
- You are optimistic and have natural creativity. You enjoy present-day life.
- You possess a natural talent in organizing and work methodically to achieve it. You have no issue in working hard for things you perceive will help to achieve success.
- You have a magnetic personality, who loves adventure and freedom.
- You are a loving and warm person, who feels safe with your family and very comfortable at home.
- You adore contemplating the deeper aspects of things surrounding you. You have a spontaneous deep spiritual vision of the world and are comfy in solitude.
- Your perspectives about events are different. You are highly motivated, passionate and romantic.
- You can lead but even a heart to help others. Compassionate as well as charismatic.
Numbers 11 and 22 are not added as these are called ‘Master Numbers’. Nevertheless, when you look for compatibility in relationships both these numbers get added.
If you are yearning to find a partner that is compatible, then the information achieved via numerology is powerful. The numbers can guide you get a better relationship as you can get an insight into the potential partner’s life path.
Author Bio – Born in the San Francisco Bay area, John Pepperwood has been a student of Numerology since 1973. After finding a book of ancient spiritual science that opened his eyes to the possibilities of cosmic powers, John began researching everything he could find about the tools of Numerology and its connection to our lives and its universal influences.