A Singaporean Permanent Resident (PR) has many benefits that imitate Singapore citizens. Besides being allowed to reside and leave the country without any visa limitations, you can work and enjoy contributions such as the Central Provident Fund (CPF). As PRs, you can purchase resold Housing Development Board (HDB) flats. Being a PR in Singapore allows you to possess similar perks of a citizen and the greatest benefit is owning the Singaporean passport which is revered as one more the most powerful passport in the world.
However, to be entitled to all of these benefits, you would first have to become a Singaporean PR. How to apply Singapore PR and what should I know about the application process?
Candidates would have to score well in the point system used by the Immigration and Customs Agency (ICA). The main criteria include age, educational certification and residing period. There are additional aspects that affect your application that are considered but excluded from the criteria. These exclusions consist of having a past criminal record or donations made for charitable causes.
Age is a factor that affects your application because it adds on to the aging population of Singapore. Your age would affect the quality and quantity of your contribution made to Singapore. Younger applicant tends to have a relatively higher chance of being accepted into Singapore as they can actively contribute to Singapore’s economy. Foreign and local socialization is an important consideration for the government as well, hence, the youth can mix around and be accepted into society.
Educational certifications like diploma and mainly degrees play a huge role in ensuring your permanent residing in Singapore. The higher your qualification and knowledge possessed will inform immigration and the government that you have a vast knowledge pool and skillsets to contribute to Singapore. This aids in the overall growth of Singapore and increase the productivity and active contribution Singapore is receiving. Hence, the chances for your acceptance of PR will definitely increase.
The residing period is another factor that affects your PR application process. A required documentation for PR application is your payslips for the past 6 months. While you can apply for PR when you have stayed and contributed to the workforce for 6 months, it is more advantageous to hold off until at least 12 months based on the type of employment pass you possess. This way, immigrations can have a better picture of how you live your life. During the extended period of residing in Singapore, you can also increase your chances of acceptance by contributing to Singapore in other manners. These include doing well in your career, improving your education, doing volunteer work or helping charitable causes as well as being a law-abiding candidate and staying out of trouble.